Archive for the ‘Books’ Category

And while many people were hoping for Viggo Mortensen, but he backed out on the deal. So the guy who has been everybody’s second guess got the job. If you don’t know who that is, here’s a photo:

Ladies and gentlemen: Javier Bardem. The Academy-Award winning actor who portrayed the villain Cighurh in No Country For Old Men. We now also know a little more about how the series is going to play out in order to cover the seven books. There will be three full length movies and a limited run TV series in between each film. The finishing touches are being added to the deal, which is kind of ridiculous, considering Bardem is going to play The Gunslinger in all of the movies and TV spots. More information can be found on Deadline.

Weird Al… Writes A Book?

Posted: December 24, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Books, Funny, Releases
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A children’s book to be precise. His first children’s book to even more precise. The book is titled “When I Grow Up” and will be released on February 1, 2011. The artwork is done by Wes Hargis. This is video is Al himself reading the book. For the children of course.

Literacy Makes Another Mash-Up

Posted: September 15, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Books, Funny, Sci-Fi
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Following in the popular footsteps of books such as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, publisher Quirk Classics is bringing another odd mash up to the table. Unlike the previous two books mentioned, this book isn’t a combination of a classic novel and an unusual movie monster, but just bringing two different nerd cultures together. Welcome to the family: Night of the Living Trekkies.