Archive for the ‘Rumors’ Category

Information was given to the internet today by Deadline. This information has to do with the next Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. Apparently Christopher Nolan is meeting with 6 actresses to potentially cast. The women?

Rachel Weisz, Keira Knightley, Anne Hathaway, Blake Lively, Naomi Watts, and Natalie Portman are apparently all being talked to. The role is being kept a secret, but there are rumors floating around that there are actually two roles to fill; a new love interest and a villain. If this is true, Catwoman is a shoe-in. If this is really the case, I’m personally hoping for Hathaway and Weisz. Although I really hope there isn’t another love interest, Batman doesn’t really need one…

Akira Movie Has No Chance

Posted: November 5, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Anime, Movies, Rumors
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Ok, so as many of you may know, there are plans to make a live-action, american made, Akira movie. So far there is no official director, no official finalized script, no nothing, outside of the fact we know Leonardo DiCaprio‘s production company will be taking care of the production. However, something surfaced on the “kinda reliable” section of the internet today. The part of Shotaro Kaneda, the lead, has been offered to this actor:

I haven’t watched, read, or even seen any bit of Akira, but I can’t imagine this is good. In fact, this is a little hilarious to me. Sorry fans. Pray that this never comes to be. Heres a sneak peak into the future!


Posted: September 17, 2010 by C in Announcement, Releases, Rumors, Technology, Video Games

Shaun Himmerick (Executive Producer of the upcoming Mortal Kombat reboot) may have slipped out some information upon the existence of a PSP2 in an interview at PAX 2010. During the interview, IndustryGamers asked about the possibility of a potential Mortal Kombat game on the PSP or the upcoming 3DS. In response, Himmerick said the following:

“We’re not launching day one on all consoles like that. We are looking at them; we have a PSP2 in the house and we’re looking at the engine, like what can it support. Always a big thing for us is the performance. We’re running at 60 fps, what can we do and do we have to build all the art assets over. We’re definitely looking at them. PSP2 looks like it’s a pretty powerful machine. We don’t have a 3DS system in house yet, but we’re looking to get one, and we’ll certainly look at what its power is.”

So what does this new PSP2 look like? What are the games that might be released on it? Is this Sony’s way of responding to Nintendo’s 3DS? No one truly knows since even to this day, Sony has not yet made any official announcements that they are working on a new PSP console. What are you hiding Sony?

Ico & Soc Remastered

Covers (From

Back in 2005, an epic action adventure game was released for the Playstation 2 called “Shadow of the Colossus”. To this day, the game is still considered one of the best games on PS2. With the amazing graphics and details of each colossi, simple yet wonderful environment, design and great story line, it is no surprise that the developers, Team Ico has announced that the game will be remade and released on the Playstation 3.

But SoC is not the only game Team Ico is rereleasing. They are also remaking and rereleasing their 2001 adventure game, Ico as well. It is said that both Ico and Shadow of Colossus will be releasing in high-definition for the Playstation 3 as according to Famitsu (A Japanese video game magazine). It looks as though they remastered version of these games will be released either as a bundle or separately. unfortunately there is no release dates for these games yet.

Hopefully the HD Trailer being shown at Tokyo Game Show (on September 16th) will release more info and hints on these remastered editions of the games.

Images from Famitsu

Images from Famitsu (