Archive for the ‘Comic Books’ Category

Disclaimer: This post may or may not contain spoilers to the new Avengers movie directed by Joss Whedon. Read at your own risk, you have been warned.

Nick Fury and Agent Coulson

By this point I am sure almost everyone and their mothers have seen the new superhero action flick of the year, The Avengers (directed by Joss Whedon). And if you are like the writers here on RM&HRC, you have went to the midnight showing  (even dressed up) and have seen it at least two more times after that.

Yes, it is the geek movie of the year!

It is one of the biggest movie s of the year!

But this is not what this post is about.

His first name is “Agent”, last name, “Coulson”, at least that is what Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) seemed to believe. And he is a beloved character that has touched the hearts of many fans. In The Avengers, fans were able to not only witness and realize the bigger role Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg)  has within S.H.I.E.L.D. but also witnessed the end of his life. With rage, we curse ourselves for believing that maybe this time around Joss Whedon would not kill off a beloved character from one of his movies! But the real question here is…did we really witness the final breaths of Agent Coulson?

As the movie came close to an end, I remember listening to Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) as he explained what will happen to the team of superheroes to Agent Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) and as the camera pans out of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s flying HQ, I see it! A man in a suit walking on deck towards Nick Fury! Now you tell me, who else from all of the Marvel movie so far is seen wearing a suit and is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.? No one else but Agent Phil Coulson. Of course in this shot we are not able to review the face of the man in the suit – but there are many other possibilities and speculations of to why Agent Phil Coulson is not dead.

So go ahead, go view the movie once again. Stay til’ the last scene of the movie and see for yourself. Agent Coulson will be making a return. After all, we still need to witness him possibly throwing a fit at Nick Fury for ruining his mint condition Captain America trading cards.

Avengers… ASSEMBLE!!! (Yesterday)

Posted: April 26, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Comic Books, Movies, Releases
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Ummm… I just ran across the first picture released from The Avengers movie, which started filming yesterday.

And you know what I think? Do you really want to know? Do you really, REALLY want to know?


We’ve Found Our New Spider-Man!

Posted: April 6, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Comic Books, Funny
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And its a face you probably recognize! And while this is mostly an ad for his new musical coming out next year, I’d totally go see Turn Off The Dark if Takei was playing Peter Parker.

And by that I mean that the Captain America movie is coming out on that day. And of course that means July 21st I’m going to be waiting in line to see the midnight premier. Today the first official trailer was released by Marvel to the internet, and I couldn’t be happier. This trailer excites me on so many levels, its ridiculous. Tommy Lee Jones‘ speech, Hugo Weaving‘s first appearance, the tiny and weak Chris Evans, the large and buff Chris Evans, Cap with a gun, that beautiful line of “because a weak man knows the true value of strength”, the WWII setting and style, EVERYTHING. I’m so freaking excited for this movie, I cannot wait. FOR FREEDOM!!!!

So you may remember the first trailer for X-Men: First Class I posted a while back. Well, the Russian trailer came out, and guess what? Its a hell of a lot better. It actually shows some of the mutants using their powers, and has Fassbender proving to me with every look in his eye that he deserves his role as Magneto. Oh, and any new footage of Kevin Bacon looking like a total pimp in his Hellfire suit makes me happy.

So theres this new trailer for Batman: Arkham City. It looks reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally good. I’m pretty excited for this game, it looks a lot better then the older ones. Looks like you’ll be teaming up with Catwoman for at least part of it, which I’m not that excited about, but the new combat, the expanded areas, the graphics, the ability to explore all of Arkham all looks amazing. Hugo Strange is still kind of an odd villain choice to me, but I’m not the biggest Bat-fan on the planet.

The official trailers for the first two DLC characters for Marvel vs Capcom 3 were released not long ago. Jill looks like she’ll play like a cross between X-23 and Wesker, and Shuma looks as amazing as ever. Gotta find a place for him in my teams. Not a huge fan of Jill’s music though, far to techno-y as compared to the original version for me.

X-Men: First Trailer

Posted: February 10, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Comic Books, Movies, Trailers
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Give me a break on the title, I’m tired and couldn’t think of anything better. The first trailer for X-Men: First Class came out today. I honestly don’t know how I feel about the trailer, but its probably because I’m really burnt out on X-Men movies after the last two travesties. MacAvoy and Fassbender look like they’re really taking to the parts, and I’ll admit to being excited about Kevin Bacon, but as a whole, the trailer really doesn’t do anything for me. We’ll see in June, I suppose.

And while a vast majority of us are in fact not surprised, maybe you readers are. The last two characters added to the roster were announced today (after being leaked yesterday). We’ve got one returning character that plenty of people are going to be pretty upset about, and one new character that Darkstalkers fans will be excited about hopefully. The character announcement trailers now, my impressions and match videos after the jump.


Someone Needs To Make The X-Men Make Sense

Posted: January 17, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Comic Books, Funny
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I spotted this picture just a few minutes ago:

And it is exactly what it sounds like, an X-Men Family Tree. And boy, does it make my head spin. And thats with knowing what all the characters are and how they’re all related. I had totally forgotten how bad it was for the X-Men. How the hell do they keep track themselves?