Archive for the ‘Funny’ Category

Lady Gaga Says ‘No’ To Weird Al Parody

Posted: April 20, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Announcement, Funny, Music
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Being the huge Weird Al Yankovic fan that I am, I was extremely excited to see this video in my Youtube subscriptions today:

And as always, I love the song. The issue is that Weird Al won’t be releasing it on his newest album, due to Lady Gaga telling him she doesn’t approve of it. While legally he can actually put the song on his album no matter what the original artist says, he has a personal policy of getting the artist’s approval themselves, as he has had trouble with this in the past (see Coolio). Al himself did a nice write-up of the whole story over on his personal blog, which I’ve linked you so you can read for yourself! I’m actually quite annoyed by all of this, because this DELAYS the album’s release. Grrrrrr… Stupid Gaga…
EDIT: Turns out that the story we heard yesterday wasn’t the truth at all. Al received word today that LADY GAGA NEVER EVEN HEARD THE SONG HERSELF and her manager never even let her hear the song. And that she loves the track. SO WE HAVE AN ALBUM, PEOPLE!!! I’m so excited. June 21, you can’t come fast enough.

We’ve Found Our New Spider-Man!

Posted: April 6, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Comic Books, Funny
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And its a face you probably recognize! And while this is mostly an ad for his new musical coming out next year, I’d totally go see Turn Off The Dark if Takei was playing Peter Parker.

Ok, I give in. This makes My Little Pony look amazing. Who knew the show had so many potentially amazing and intense moments? I know I didn’t. But this is the audio from the StarCraft 2 trailer put over some fantastically well edited clips from the My Little Pony tv series thats on now-a-days. And while I didn’t play StarCraft 2, I do know a decent amount of the plot. And I do love this trailer. To steal someone’s brilliant comment on u2b: “You must construct additional rainbows.” Enjoy.

On youtube at least. Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers has been busy for the last while making a new album, and he’s finally finished! Well, he finished a bit ago, but he’s decided to share all his music with all of Nerdfighteria. Those of you who follow the Green brothers probably know this already, but for those of you that like happy, silly, intelligent music, this may be something new for you to listen to. Hank does a wonderful job of explaining everything himself, so I’ll let him go ahead and do that.

On top of Cowboys vs Aliens and Battle: Los Angeles coming out next year, we have another movie involving intergalactic antagonists to be (tentatively) released in 2011. Attack the Block looks to be a fantastic comedy-thriller that parodies a lot of other alien invasion movies. But this time forget the gruff and tough action stars duking it out with the extraterrestrials, we have British inner-city teens. Badass. The producers of Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim are behind this, so you know it’ll be, at least partially, done right. And anything with Nick Frost in it gets bonus points too. 🙂

Ken Jennings Knows The Future

Posted: February 17, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Funny, Technology, Television
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For those of you that don’t know, Watson (the super-computer built by IBM) totally cleaned up on Jeopardy the other night, as was to be expected. However, Ken Jennings managed to give everybody quite the laugh at the end of the show:

You have made me laugh, Mr. Jennings.

French humorist, Rémi Gaillard does something that any gamer has wanted to do; bring Mario Kart to life! Check it out:

He even goes as far as to throw banana peels and a turtle shell! Mr. Gaillard, you have made my day!

Optimus What? Prime? More Like Optimus Fairy

Posted: February 8, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Funny, Movies, Series
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Ok, so heres the first picture of Optimus Prime’s toy for the next Transformers movie. And while some people may be excited for the movie, I assure you that this will shatter that excitement.

YES! That is Optimus Prime. With magical rainbow wings. He looks like a magical robot butterfly. Or a giant cyborg fairy. You get the idea.

Lil’ Vader Had Some Tough Training

Posted: February 2, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Funny, Series, Television
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Heres an early look at one of the many, MANY commercials that will be premiering on Sunday during the Super Bowl. I normally don’t condone people watching the Super Bowl for the commercials, and this year will be no different. Its not like you can’t see them some other time, stations will be airing them for months. Hell, you can even watch them on the internet now. But this one involves Volkswagen and Star Wars. Adorable and funny. Go Steelers!

“Hi-Five Soup!” is the most recent album by the amazing ska band The Aquabats! I just recently have gotten a chance to listen to their new album. See what I thought after the jump!