Archive for the ‘Sci-Fi’ Category

Fans of Dr. Who probably aren’t surprised by this news, but Elisabeth Sladen, who played The Doctor’s most popular companion by far, died not to long ago. I’ve never really watched any episodes of Dr. Who, but I caught the first episode of the newest season over the weekend, and they ran a tribute to the woman who played Sarah Jane Smith that really touched me. It makes me want to watch every episode that she was ever in. Any fans of the show should definitely watch this, its super emotional and very beautifully done.

Ok, I give in. This makes My Little Pony look amazing. Who knew the show had so many potentially amazing and intense moments? I know I didn’t. But this is the audio from the StarCraft 2 trailer put over some fantastically well edited clips from the My Little Pony tv series thats on now-a-days. And while I didn’t play StarCraft 2, I do know a decent amount of the plot. And I do love this trailer. To steal someone’s brilliant comment on u2b: “You must construct additional rainbows.” Enjoy.

On top of Cowboys vs Aliens and Battle: Los Angeles coming out next year, we have another movie involving intergalactic antagonists to be (tentatively) released in 2011. Attack the Block looks to be a fantastic comedy-thriller that parodies a lot of other alien invasion movies. But this time forget the gruff and tough action stars duking it out with the extraterrestrials, we have British inner-city teens. Badass. The producers of Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim are behind this, so you know it’ll be, at least partially, done right. And anything with Nick Frost in it gets bonus points too. 🙂

So take a look at this picture:

What does that picture say to you? It tells me that my favorite Jedi has returned! And just so you know, Liam Neeson is returning to do the voice. In two episodes of the next three episode arc, Qui-Gon will be returning in glorious Force Ghost fashion. Which means technically he was the FIRST Force Ghost. Whooooo!

Back To The Future Scene Comparison

Posted: December 30, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Movies, Other, Sci-Fi, Series
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You know how the end of Back to the Future and the beginning of Back to the Future 2 are the same scene, right? You didn’t? You should really pay more attention. That said, they are. Kinda. When Marty’s girlfriend had to be recast, they had to refilm the whole scene with the new actress. And some nerd made a video that puts the two scenes together. Pretty damn close, I gotta say. Very impressive, Zemeckis, veeeeeery impressive.

Cowboys vs Aliens

Posted: November 17, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Action, Movies, Sci-Fi, Trailers
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No longer the silly fantasy of young boys across the globe, but a real movie slated to come out next year. Is there a sillier idea out there? I’m really not sure. However, this movie is getting some serious starpower in it. Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell, and Harrison Ford all star in the movie. I can’t wait to see it. Silly concept made very seriously with A-movie money? Can I buy my ticket now?

But I guess it must have. M2Film made the tale of the original Star Wars trilogy, and how Jar Jar Binks was far more important then we ever could have imagined, even if we didn’t see him. Even better is that its done with LEGOs. Presenting: Bombad Bounty

R2-D2 goes Punk…Steampunk!

Posted: October 20, 2010 by C in Other, Sci-Fi
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British artist Mark Edwards who goes by Amoebbloke,  has used his talents and crafted together a wonderful sculpture of the lovable little droid, R2-D2 of none other than the Star Wars series (Did I even need to say where he’s from?)

Here's our little droid...running on steam!

Now, Edwards made this little guy back in 2008 and has probably found a home for it. Unfortunately Edwards said he wouldn’t be mass producing this amazing brass and wood sculpture for the selling but we can all look and admire it.

If you wish to check out more of his work, visit his deviantART page at:




Poor, Poor Worf

Posted: October 12, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Action, Funny, Sci-Fi, Series, Television
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Now, I’m not a big Star Trek guy, but isn’t Worf supposed to be some sort of badass Klingon warrior? This video proves that he is just there to make the baddies appear more powerful.

Literacy Makes Another Mash-Up

Posted: September 15, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Books, Funny, Sci-Fi
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Following in the popular footsteps of books such as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, publisher Quirk Classics is bringing another odd mash up to the table. Unlike the previous two books mentioned, this book isn’t a combination of a classic novel and an unusual movie monster, but just bringing two different nerd cultures together. Welcome to the family: Night of the Living Trekkies.