Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Ken Jennings Knows The Future

Posted: February 17, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Funny, Technology, Television
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For those of you that don’t know, Watson (the super-computer built by IBM) totally cleaned up on Jeopardy the other night, as was to be expected. However, Ken Jennings managed to give everybody quite the laugh at the end of the show:

You have made me laugh, Mr. Jennings.

Last night the trial run was made for the IBM Supercomputer “Watson”. What run, you ask? Well, as a highly expensive supercomputer built to be able to scan its over 200 million pages of source material in under 3 seconds, being able to perform 80 trillion operations a second, and being able to recognize speech (meaning it can LISTEN), its creators put it to the most obvious use of its talents. Having it compete on Jeopardy. Thats right, Watson took on two of Jeopardy’s greatest human competitors, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, and… well, you can see for yourself. Lets just hope it was built without the ability to learn.

Every Batmobile Ever… EVER!

Posted: January 11, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Comic Books, Technology
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So most people know this Batmobile. Its quite possibly the most popular Batmobile ever. But thats not the main attraction here. I just needed a picture to lead into the real picture. Its after the jump because its simply to damn big to put on the front page. That said, it is a detailed picture of every Batmobile used in any medium ever. Ranging all the way from 1941 up until 2010, it proves (to me at least) that Bruce Wayne has way to much money on his hands, and I wonder where he’s storing all these damn things. Check the jump!

The Lego God Has Been Crowned

Posted: November 9, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Other, Technology
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So… this guy… Man, I don’t even know how to describe it. He built a robot, out of Legos, that makes Lego models. My mind is blown. 4.5 months, around 150 hours of building, around 100 hours of programming, created with 1520 bricks. And even more, just check the video. Apparently you program what you want the Lego machine to build, and the thing builds it. What have we done! Legos building Legos? Whats next? Robots building robots? Oh wait…

The National Purchase Diary (or now better known as the NPD) has released their list of the best selling games in between January through March of 2010 and what do you know, Playstation 3 games comes out on top!

Though the list is nothing surprising featuring everyone’s favorite games of 2010 it is nice to know that the PS3 is finally hitting it’s stride in the gaming market. With games such as  God of War III and Final Fantasy XIII (Both game series has been in the Playstation Family for a long time now), fans of the long time series has chosen the PS3 version of the games (With God of War they had no choice) rather than the xbox360’s version. PS3’s version of  FFXIII came out 7th on the NPD’s list while xbox360’s ranked 15th. And surprisingly enough, the PS3’s version of Dante’s Inferno manage to outsold xbox360’s version.

So is this a sign that the Playstation family will be making it’s way back to the top of the U.S. Market? We can only wait and see!


PSP2 Announced!

Posted: October 25, 2010 by restlessmonarch in Announcement, Technology
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This isn't the actual PSP2, just a fan-made design of what it could look like.

Following up on [CRYPT]‘s article from last month, Sony has officially announced the PSP2. Not a whole lot is actually known about the new machine, but there are a few details.
The screen will be about an inch larger then the current PSP screen. It more likely then not has a touch screen. Sony wants it to be “part game player, part e-book reader, and part netbook.”
Like I said, we really don’t know much about it. However, Sony has stated that developers have had the hardware specs (which haven’t been finalized) since around September (which was right around the time [CRYPT] posted). Sony has stated that they are working on balancing the battery life, power, and heat; and currently it has overheating issues. Sony is currently planning on releasing it to the public Fall of 2011, or around a year from now.

As those of you following Rock Band 3 may know, they are introducing a “Pro Mode” that has you play the songs in a far more realistic fashion. But until now almost all videos have shown someone playing the game with a real guitar. A few days ago Harmonix unveiled this:

It is a MadCatz created guitar that has 6 “strings” and 17 frets per string. If you do the math, thats 102 buttons. I don’t know if Harmonix is trying to breed the next generation of guitar players, but they’re damn sure trying. I for one find this quite intimidating and probably won’t ever touch Pro Mode. At that point I might as well learn to play a real guitar and stop playing rhythm games. I want to play a game, not be taught to play an instrument. I’d pay an instructor for that.


Posted: September 17, 2010 by C in Announcement, Releases, Rumors, Technology, Video Games

Shaun Himmerick (Executive Producer of the upcoming Mortal Kombat reboot) may have slipped out some information upon the existence of a PSP2 in an interview at PAX 2010. During the interview, IndustryGamers asked about the possibility of a potential Mortal Kombat game on the PSP or the upcoming 3DS. In response, Himmerick said the following:

“We’re not launching day one on all consoles like that. We are looking at them; we have a PSP2 in the house and we’re looking at the engine, like what can it support. Always a big thing for us is the performance. We’re running at 60 fps, what can we do and do we have to build all the art assets over. We’re definitely looking at them. PSP2 looks like it’s a pretty powerful machine. We don’t have a 3DS system in house yet, but we’re looking to get one, and we’ll certainly look at what its power is.”

So what does this new PSP2 look like? What are the games that might be released on it? Is this Sony’s way of responding to Nintendo’s 3DS? No one truly knows since even to this day, Sony has not yet made any official announcements that they are working on a new PSP console. What are you hiding Sony?