Archive for the ‘Video Games’ Category

Just a quick update today about the new trailer for Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It has a theme song finally, which may sound very familiar to some of you. Watch the video and prepare to nerdgasm, those of you still fond of Nintendo.

So today the internet got to learn about the newest Zombie map in the next Call of Duty: Black Ops expansion pack, Escalation. And… well… it features 5 famous individuals. Danny Trejo, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michael Rooker, and Robert Englund are the four playable names. The last one? Well, watch the trailer.

Thats right, the zombie master himself, George A. Romero is in the map! Instead of being a playable character, he’s actually going to be a villain/boss character who carries around a stagelight to bash you with. My guess is that the “story” is that everybody was filming some movie, and a zombie outbreak takes place and they get to George, and he wants to change you all to his new way of life. They also put out another video that talks a little more about it later in the day, so I’ll give you that too.

Now the question I present to you, the readers, is: Is this a good idea, or is this just a shameless cash-cow in order to generate revenue for the developers?

A little over 3 minutes of the new Sonic game, Sonic: Generations was released to the web, and surprise surprise, it follows the beginning of the Sonic Cycle. If you don’t know, click that link. And being the old, jaded fan of Sonic the Hedgehog that I am, I notice the lack of friends, and I notice the lack of stupid mini-games, but I don’t believe that I’m going to get what the gameplay trailer shows here. I hope that it won’t change, but I just know it will.

Today Capcom came out and told us some big things about the future of Street Fighter:

First: Arcade Edition is coming to consoles! And that of course means that we’ll finally get to play with our fancy updated (or nerfed) characters. If you own Super Street Fighter IV, it will come as downloadable content on June 7th for $14.99. If you don’t, don’t fret! You can get an on-disc version of the game about June 24th for around $40.00. Oh, and the game is coming to PC too, so all you hackers can get hype as well.

Secondly: They stated that Arcade Edition will be the end of the Street Fighter 4 series, so don’t expect the game to become “Super Street Fighter IV: Hyper Fighting Arcade Edition” or whatever. It ends here.

Third: We have a new video for Street Fighter X Tekken! It introduces 6 new characters into the fray, and none of them are exactly surprising, but its still nice to see some variety. It adds Guile, Ken, and Able for Street Fighter; and King, Marduk, and Bob for Tekken. Bob makes me think they’re going to add Rufus down the line so we can have a fat on fat slobber-knocker, and I’m super hype for King.

Its a good day to be a fan of Street Fighter. [All info spotted over at Shoryuken]

Twist That Metal On October 4th!

Posted: April 8, 2011 by restlessmonarch in Trailers, Video Games
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A new trailer has been released for the next Twisted Metal game. It shows us a bit of gameplay, and seemingly adds a new faction to the game for Mr. Grimm. It shows Axel as well in the opening shot, so thats at least 4 (the other two being Dollface and Sweetooth). Join a gang, get a vehicle (no longer just cars!), and SHOOT THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING! Man I’m excited. October 4th!

So theres this new trailer for Batman: Arkham City. It looks reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally good. I’m pretty excited for this game, it looks a lot better then the older ones. Looks like you’ll be teaming up with Catwoman for at least part of it, which I’m not that excited about, but the new combat, the expanded areas, the graphics, the ability to explore all of Arkham all looks amazing. Hugo Strange is still kind of an odd villain choice to me, but I’m not the biggest Bat-fan on the planet.

Ok, I give in. This makes My Little Pony look amazing. Who knew the show had so many potentially amazing and intense moments? I know I didn’t. But this is the audio from the StarCraft 2 trailer put over some fantastically well edited clips from the My Little Pony tv series thats on now-a-days. And while I didn’t play StarCraft 2, I do know a decent amount of the plot. And I do love this trailer. To steal someone’s brilliant comment on u2b: “You must construct additional rainbows.” Enjoy.

The official trailers for the first two DLC characters for Marvel vs Capcom 3 were released not long ago. Jill looks like she’ll play like a cross between X-23 and Wesker, and Shuma looks as amazing as ever. Gotta find a place for him in my teams. Not a huge fan of Jill’s music though, far to techno-y as compared to the original version for me.

French humorist, Rémi Gaillard does something that any gamer has wanted to do; bring Mario Kart to life! Check it out:

He even goes as far as to throw banana peels and a turtle shell! Mr. Gaillard, you have made my day!

And while a vast majority of us are in fact not surprised, maybe you readers are. The last two characters added to the roster were announced today (after being leaked yesterday). We’ve got one returning character that plenty of people are going to be pretty upset about, and one new character that Darkstalkers fans will be excited about hopefully. The character announcement trailers now, my impressions and match videos after the jump.
